I did manage to get out for Megan Mackenzie's wedding last Saturday night. She looks like her mom. She's the youngest, and she married a young man who lived down the street from us on Curtis Creek. He is starting med school in the fall, and she is an elementary teacher. Best wishes to them. Jack is giving a welcome in the photo above.
Mario and Chico are getting along very well. Chico gets the "zoomies" whenever Mario is around. The favorite playthings are plastic picnic cups, plastic bags, and cellophane wrappers. Chico also likes Blake. And Hannah is a wonderful calming influence on him. Mostly, he and I take naps on the couch together. He is a fun little guy.
We are going to see Chris, Maria, and Makenna this week, July 29-August 4. Then we are home for a long while. Except to watch Blake play with the Quincy High soccer team this fall. There will be some traveling for that. He is with a nice group of kids, and their parents are enjoyable folks too. Mario was in Moline this weekend with them, and he told me they were all captivated with his magic/card tricks. Another audience.
I am sure I will have some new photos of Makenna when we get back from Arizona. Chow!