Thursday, April 29, 2010
Hitting the road again
On Friday, weather permitting, Mom and I are heading west. Fr. Joe Anthony, past pastor of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary, Church in Las Vegas, a great friend to our family, is celebrating his 30th Anniversary on Monday. We are excited to be joining him and other friends, as well as Eddie and Connie and their family, for mass and a potluck supper in celebration of his service. I am looking forward to seeing friends from the Holy Land and Rome trip too. I will return on Tuesday. Chow!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Lots going on
Today I got caught up on ironing. Not one of my favorite things to do, but since I wear mostly cotton, I have to iron most everything I wear. I began listening to a book on tape. The author has MS, and she tells how she learned to give a gift every day to help her cope with the condition. She was in her early 30s and a newlywed when the affliction struck. Her greatest gift I believe is her storytelling. I just finished Barack Obama's first book, Dreams of My Father. He too is a gifted storyteller. I could not put the book down and found myself falling asleep too late in the night while reading it. The Cherokee prayer that says "Don't judge a man til you've walked in his path" comes to mind. The President has a truly remarkable life story, and what he has seen and experienced help me to understand what he is working for now. He is in Quincy for a speech tomorrow afternoon. Unfortunately, there are no provisions for people who can't stand for 4 hours. So I didn't even try to get a ticket. Standing room only, and no folding chairs. I have heard there will be four to five thousand people in the Oakley Lindsay Center, and I hope the Tea Party people keep their distance so he can say what he wants to say.
I am getting ready to take another trip, this time with my mother. We are going to the anniversary celebration of Fr. Joe Anthony at St. Joseph, Husband of Mary, Church in Las Vegas. Always a visit filled with joys and memories.
I will miss Hannah's First Communion and the girls' dance recital. Can't bilocate. But I will be with them in spirit. :o)
I am getting ready to take another trip, this time with my mother. We are going to the anniversary celebration of Fr. Joe Anthony at St. Joseph, Husband of Mary, Church in Las Vegas. Always a visit filled with joys and memories.
I will miss Hannah's First Communion and the girls' dance recital. Can't bilocate. But I will be with them in spirit. :o)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Funky blog posting pics....???
Well there is still something funky going on with the blog when I post photos. I am going to put two of them on again and see if the whole shot is there....
OK I think we're good. Make sure to go back and see the previous post, Photos from Arizona. :o)
OK I think we're good. Make sure to go back and see the previous post, Photos from Arizona. :o)
Photos from Arizona
Photos taken during my recent days in Arizona....still am not sure how I got all 5 of those little girls all looking at me at the same time. I should win a prize for that or something :o)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Off to see Makenna
I'm off to Arizona Thursday to see Makenna. She is riding the Merry Go Round by herself now, I hear. AND she is talking, talking, talking. I'll be back next Tuesday. Goodbye for a few days, everyone!
(PS Thanks to Tony for updating my blogspot so you can read the words one word at a time posted next to the associated pictures instead of....well, the way the last few pics and words have posted!)
(PS Thanks to Tony for updating my blogspot so you can read the words one word at a time posted next to the associated pictures instead of....well, the way the last few pics and words have posted!)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Weekend gatherings
I will be leaving Thursday for a few days to see the Arizona Camachos. Makenna is talking up a storm now, and I just have to hear her in person!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
A Makenna Story for ya...
Since Makenna was an itty bitty little thing, Daddy Chris has been teaching her to throw a ball. In fact, I have heard him say, "Throw it as hard as you can." So it is no surprise what happened today when the family took a trip to Target. As Chris explained it, reminding me that she likes putting money in her piggy bank, or whatever kind of bank she has, they came upon some soccer ball banks. Pretty cool looking, I'm sure. So Mom Maria or Daddy Chris, not sure which one, hands Mak the soccer ball bank to look over. Yup, you guessed it. She winged that soccer bank as hard as she could, and it broke into no less than a hundred pieces. It was apparently not distressful to Makenna though. She just looked at Mommy and Daddy and said, "It spilled."
Target should know better than to make soccer ball banks that look like soccer balls that quickly take flight in the hands of a 2-yr. old! :o)
Target should know better than to make soccer ball banks that look like soccer balls that quickly take flight in the hands of a 2-yr. old! :o)
Monday, April 5, 2010
A Blessed Easter
We had a blessed Easter. Beginning with our 10:30 mass, altar decorated with Easter lilies and tulips, (we contributed flowers in memory of Dad and Mario's parents), then a visit to our new 24-hour Adoration Chapel, and on to Easter dinner. Bailey, Blake, and Paige had several "takes" before I got them all smiling and eyes open at the same time. Now the Dede gang--always all smiles for Grandma. They can line up and put on their smiley faces in 10 seconds flat! And that makes Grandma Ginny happy. :o)
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Jesus is on the I-Touch!
We spent some time on the web-cam this morning with Chris and Makenna. Chris told me they received their Easter card yesterday. When Makenna looked at the picture of Jesus on the card, Chris asked her, "Where is Jesus?" He expected her to say, "On the cross," or maybe at church. But she answered, "Jesus on the I-Touch." Sure enough, Makenna showed him exactly where. She got her I-Touch and scrolled down to a site, found exactly what she was looking for quickly, and played the song "Jesus Loves Me." And she began singing along. That is the world of my 2-year old granddaughter. Jesus is on the I-Touch. When I go to visit her in a few days, I will have to ask her exactly what an I-Touch is and what it can do besides playing "Jesus Loves Me." I have no clue. Looks like I won't be buying any more CD's for the grandkids. Everything in their world seems to be on little machines. Amazing. :o)
Friday, April 2, 2010
Can't figure out why the posting is now so funky. Will have to ask Tony, the expert, next time he is here to fix it! In the meantime, just read one consonant or vowel at a time, and I think you can get the meaning.
Mario and I attended another beautiful service at St. Peter's tonight in memory of Jesus' death. Fr. John and the servers prostrated themselves at the foot of the altar, a gesture we had never witnessed. It was powerful. I can only imagine how scandals have burdened the priests who have not hurt children, stolen money, or done any of the other troubling behaviors recently reported. I pray for the priests who are working so hard to serve The Church, The People of God, and I realize how blessed we are at St. Peter's to have this spiritual leader at this time. The Quincy Community is well-served by wonderful, caring priests, and we all need to pray for all of them in thanksgiving for their gifts to us.
Today I had a nice lunch with Judy at Panera. I like to go there, especially since I know they have a generous donation program to the soup kitchen. I baked my chocolate chip cookies for Sunday's Easter gathering and festively decorated the mini-cupcakes for the kids. Tomorrow I will finish my dessert-making with a red velvet cake, covered with cherry pie filling and whipped cream. I am sure I will want to take a big bite out of it, so I will have to restrain myself!!!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
A Touching Holy Thursday Liturgy
Many times in our "Why Catholic" group, we have spoken about the need to engage more and be more present in our minds and hearts to what is happening during the mass. This evening, Mario and I went to St. Peter's Holy Thursday service. It was a true spiritual gift for everyone there. Music, homily, washing of feet of 3 families from the parish, transferring of Eucharist from church to the new Adoration Chapel, and the liturgy itself were all holy and inspiring moments. My music group didn't play, so I got to participate from about the 4th row of the middle aisle, a whole different view. I was drawn in and washed clean! Tomorrow night, my group plays for the Good Friday service. No mass. Another reading of The Passion to draw us closer to Jesus and the meaning of His sacrifice. And Communion. The place was packed full tonight, and I hope they and more come tomorrow night to enter more fully into the meaning of the Crucifixion--how our salvation was earned for us. And on top of all that, the weather is simply the best one could hope for. It is obvious that our parish is growing spiritually. Fr. John's and Martha's leadership are moving us in an outstanding way. Praise be to God!
Today Mario and I finished our taxes, had a celebratory lunch at Applebees, and grocery shopped at 3 (yes, he went with me to THREE) different stores. Times have changed for sure. He is busy organizing a recreational church league softball team with a number of father and son participants. He is letting go of the young Park District team, and I am glad. I was always concerned that one of those youthful players with a couple of beers under his belt would inadvertantly cause injury to Mario. So now, he is with the older guys KC team and the church league fathers and sons, as well as a grandpa or two. Blake is playing too. I think the Faith Assembly of God Church sponsors the church league, and this may be the first year a Catholic parish has fielded a team.
I am looking forward to Easter Sunday. As on Christmas, Mario and I decided to stay for mass in our own parish this year. Previously we have always left home and attended mass with family elsewhere. For whatever reason, I am excited to sit next to my long-time friend Jan, as we play our happy guitar music along with Lawson's bass, Matt's guitar, Sharon's ? instrument that I don't know the name of, Emily's mandolin, and one of the Faler girls at the piano with an assortment of singers who come and go from the group. We make a joyful noise for the Lord, and I don't want to miss it anymore. Then off to share Easter dinner and games with family. I wish everyone a blessed Easter, and may the Risen Lord be alive in your hearts and fill you with joy! :o)
Today Mario and I finished our taxes, had a celebratory lunch at Applebees, and grocery shopped at 3 (yes, he went with me to THREE) different stores. Times have changed for sure. He is busy organizing a recreational church league softball team with a number of father and son participants. He is letting go of the young Park District team, and I am glad. I was always concerned that one of those youthful players with a couple of beers under his belt would inadvertantly cause injury to Mario. So now, he is with the older guys KC team and the church league fathers and sons, as well as a grandpa or two. Blake is playing too. I think the Faith Assembly of God Church sponsors the church league, and this may be the first year a Catholic parish has fielded a team.
I am looking forward to Easter Sunday. As on Christmas, Mario and I decided to stay for mass in our own parish this year. Previously we have always left home and attended mass with family elsewhere. For whatever reason, I am excited to sit next to my long-time friend Jan, as we play our happy guitar music along with Lawson's bass, Matt's guitar, Sharon's ? instrument that I don't know the name of, Emily's mandolin, and one of the Faler girls at the piano with an assortment of singers who come and go from the group. We make a joyful noise for the Lord, and I don't want to miss it anymore. Then off to share Easter dinner and games with family. I wish everyone a blessed Easter, and may the Risen Lord be alive in your hearts and fill you with joy! :o)
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