On Saturday night, "Happy birthday to you...." (Hannah recording the occasion with her new video recorder. O dear, another photographer in the family!)

Yes, he looks like Momma Doris.

Ted (Tony's dad) and the girls' kick line...Tony's mom, sisters, sister-in-law, and mother-in-law. What a performance! It's up to you, New York, New York.

Now Tony's turn in the kick line with Mom and sisters Rhonda and Dee and sister-in-law Jean.

Neighbor Jenny and Cora sing.

Tony and Nolan sing "Beep Beep."

Happy Hannah with her share from the tip cup for serving the soda from behind the bar.

The Dede clan. Heads.


Carrie and Tony...(Carrie being a trooper 4 days after taking a bad fall on some steps.)

Happy Birthday Bear for the DJ

Our friend Tim....singing Margueritaville, and getting every word and note right!

Gin, Carrie, and our friend Justine attempting "Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys." We probably won't try that one again anytime soon. Waylon and Willie made it sound so easy!

Tony and the girls (Carrie, their neighbor Tina, and her sister-in-law?) shine with "Mustang Sally." Take that show on the road.
It was a fun celebration, and we look forward to doing it again sometime.
Now....switching to St. Louis for Super Bowl Sunday....

The guys, most from our Quincy College Days

The gals

Mario's teammates from college soccer days, Bob and Tom Pollihan. They greet him with fake Spanish and make Mario laugh, just like in their playing days when they called him Chili Bean, Taco Bell, and a few other choice names (during the games too!). Bob and Mario worked together washing pots and pans in the cafeteria kitchen after supper while I baked cookies, cakes, and brownies. We have great memories with these folks, and we are happy to be invited to St. Louis for their annual Super Bowl gathering. Lots of great food and conversation. (Too bad Tom didn't remember to get the shrimp and potato salad out of the fridge 'til the game was about over. Next year I will check his fridge!)
Today I am resting with a big smile. Mario is in St. Louis for the next 3 days chaperoning the QND Senior Class Retreat with his friend George McDonnell, who is the QND Religion Department Chairperson. Hmm. Does Notre Dame really know what they are doing sending those two off together with a busload of kids? I will guarantee those kids will have a wonderful retreat. There will be some good laughs. Bless them all.
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