Yesterday afternoon, I had a great time at McDonald's with Nolan and two of the daycare friends. Hannah came along too. She had not felt well in the morning, so she stayed home from school and by lunchtime, she was up to the trip. We met Judy and Katie there and stayed for about 2 1/2 hours. I just enjoy so much watching the kids having fun. And Nolan spent about half an hour at the Lego table, just building and building. He'd make high buildings, then low, wide ones. He was so focused on his little buildings, I don't think he knew anyone else was around.
Last night, our "Why Catholic" group of 11 people met to complete part 2 of the program. In the 12 sessions we have had together, we have become good friends. We decided to continue gathering once a month or so until the next part of the program begins in the fall. So we will use Fr. John's "Lectio Divina" method of Scripture study for an hour or so, then head to Maya for Mexican dinner. In our gathering last night, we read a passage from the Bible that I would like to encourage everyone to read today. It is called "God Is Love." 1 John 4:7-21.
I have posted the last of the pics from the Haycraft Reunion and the visit to Theresa's new counseling office. Theresa's business partner has the beautiful photo of her grandson on the dock with his dog. Carolyn is advising her about how to best mat and frame it for hanging in her office. We all love the picture, even those who are not dog fans, because of what it portrays.
I have thought a lot over the past couple of days about my weekend reunion experience and all the work and organizing that led up to it. I got much feedback from my cousins about how much they enjoy what Carolyn and I do, and how thankful they are that we do this for them, because they could not be so creative and inventive and technologically gifted to do this themselves. Well I have to give God the praise for giving Carolyn and me the particular abilities we have. We are just using what God gave us, just like everyone else uses their talents for God's honor. My heartbreak in all this comes from some of my extended family who don't see this simple reality. But I return to 1 John 4:7-21. There is where The Truth lies.
Live in The Truth, walk in The Light, and teach with love. Goodbye for now everyone. I love you. :o)
PS Uncle Jimmy and Jonnie have invited all of us to a family picnic/baby shower for Eri and Jimmy Haycraft, who are expecting their first child. The date is June 20, and the location is Lincoln Park in Springfield. There is a playground and a pool there. She asks that everyone put this date on your calendar and plan to bring a dish to share. Please spread the word to your families.
PS Uncle Jimmy and Jonnie have invited all of us to a family picnic/baby shower for Eri and Jimmy Haycraft, who are expecting their first child. The date is June 20, and the location is Lincoln Park in Springfield. There is a playground and a pool there. She asks that everyone put this date on your calendar and plan to bring a dish to share. Please spread the word to your families.