Cora is delighted that she was chosen to play the part of the queen in the school play. In fact, when she arrived home with the news yesterday, she announced that everyone should "bow down to her." (:o) She loves the drama club activities, and the play will be performed sometime in February, so lots of time to learn her lines. She told me the queen role is not listed as a "supporting role," that it is one of the main characters. It's been a few years since she made her debut at the Quincy Community Theater as an angel in the Christmas play. So I am excited for her, and I could hear the joy in her voice when she called to tell me last night. Hurrah for Cora!
Blake's high school soccer team is headed to Collinsville tomorrow for a 3-day tournament. They play a team from California tomorrow. These teams should give them some real competition. Blake is playing stopper, a defensive position, and the defense has allowed only two goals all season. The team is now 13-0-1. We are enjoying watching him play.
I had a wonderful birthday/shopping trip with Judy last Friday to St. Louis. Justine went with us. We had a fantastic lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, and Justine and I split one of those wonderful cheesecake desserts. The salads there are the best one can get anywhere. I found some dressy black flat shoes and a clearance skirt with about 10 colors in it. Now to find a clearance top to go with it....
We continue to get lots of enjoyment from "the animals" as I call them. Chico and Kitty are pals, but sometimes they play a little too rough for my taste. But the vet assures me that is how it goes with puppies and kitties. One joy that has come unexpectedly is a renewed appreciation of the sunsets and stars and peaceful night skies, since I am the doggy mommy who takes Chico out every night before we go to sleep. Sometimes he gets right to his business, but sometimes he has to take it all in for awhile, so I just take it all in with him.
This weekend we will have Cora, Hannah, and Nolan while Carrie and Tony go to Collinsville for Blake's games on Friday and Saturday. We will get to take in two games ourselves on Saturday morning, as Hannah and Nolan are both on teams. I think we will make a batch of chocolate chip cookies Saturday afternoon--that always delights the girls.
Today I had a wonderful 2 hours with my good friend Jan Faler. How blessed I have been to have her as my friend. I love Jan, and my gratitude for what she has taught me by her example is endless. It was a great way to spend the middle of the day.
Tonight I stored my white jackets, pants, and shorts, and brought my fall and winter jackets from the basement storage area. All but a couple are too big. So tomorrow I will take them to Designers Again and hopefully get some $ so I can buy some that fit me. I am ready to be done with this process.
Everyone have a great October.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Homecoming Pics; Nolan is playing soccer now too
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Photos from the West
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
We've lost it!
Well I am listening once again to the pitter-patter of little feet in our house....our puppy is chasing our new kitty. O dear. I am losing my mind. But Mario and I are both laughing heartily at their antics.
Blake's team won against SHG last night; I went to the game with Tony, Carrie and Nolan. It was a hard fought game, and QHS won 2-1. They play Saturday against one of the top ranked teams in Missouri at Jefferson City. We will stay back and Cora, Hannah, and Nolan are going to stay with us.
Today our new bible study of Romans began. The timing to study about Paul is perfect for me. I also have the books for the bible study at St. Peter's; they are doing Acts of the Apostles. But I think I will just do that one from home.
Chris is leaving for Germany on Sunday, then back home for a few days and off the Spain to give a presentation there. Then they will be in St. Louis in late October for a few days. They are coming home for a week at Christmas too.
Today Suzie Longo and I treated Sharon Mackenzie to lunch for her 68th birthday at our new Japanese restaurant. We always enjoy getting together. Forty years ago this month I met both of them when their husbands were coaching Mario at Quincy College!
A Nolan story....
He has had a virus with some painful sores in his mouth. So he has been crabby for the past week. Tony was trying to deal with something with him, and Nolan wasn't cooperating, so Tony told him, "When you are better, I'm going to knock your block off!" Well, I don't think Nolan has any idea what his "block" is, but he quickly answered Tony with "That's ok. I'll just grow another one."
Blake's team won against SHG last night; I went to the game with Tony, Carrie and Nolan. It was a hard fought game, and QHS won 2-1. They play Saturday against one of the top ranked teams in Missouri at Jefferson City. We will stay back and Cora, Hannah, and Nolan are going to stay with us.
Today our new bible study of Romans began. The timing to study about Paul is perfect for me. I also have the books for the bible study at St. Peter's; they are doing Acts of the Apostles. But I think I will just do that one from home.
Chris is leaving for Germany on Sunday, then back home for a few days and off the Spain to give a presentation there. Then they will be in St. Louis in late October for a few days. They are coming home for a week at Christmas too.
Today Suzie Longo and I treated Sharon Mackenzie to lunch for her 68th birthday at our new Japanese restaurant. We always enjoy getting together. Forty years ago this month I met both of them when their husbands were coaching Mario at Quincy College!
A Nolan story....
He has had a virus with some painful sores in his mouth. So he has been crabby for the past week. Tony was trying to deal with something with him, and Nolan wasn't cooperating, so Tony told him, "When you are better, I'm going to knock your block off!" Well, I don't think Nolan has any idea what his "block" is, but he quickly answered Tony with "That's ok. I'll just grow another one."
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Blake on the mend....
Got the report this morning that the birdleg is on the mend, and Tuesday evening's game in Springfield at SHG should be a go. And the weather is supposed to be perfect! How lucky are we.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
On another nice day, I finally got the umph to get to work in the storeroom downstairs. It has not been organized since we moved in 3 1/2 years ago. So this afternoon, I got started. I threw away 4 bags of stuff (the BIG bags) and have about 4 bags to take to the thrift shop. So whoever it was who told me not to leave all that stuff for Carrie to deal with.....well..... I dealt with it today! Chico had a blast rummaging through the pile of throwaway stuff. Mario worked all day at QND, so it was just Chico and me, and we got about halfway through.
Carrie called from Moline just now. The soccer team won their game, 4-1. Blake had to leave the game with about 10 minutes left when an opponent kicked him in the shin. He has a pretty nasty bruise on that birdleg of his. It is always a physical game when QHS plays Moline. Just glad they got out of there without any worse injuries.
Talked to Makenna and Chris on the web cam this morning. They were heading to the baseball game this evening, and tomorrow Chris and Maria have great seats for the Cardinals-49ers game.
Carrie called from Moline just now. The soccer team won their game, 4-1. Blake had to leave the game with about 10 minutes left when an opponent kicked him in the shin. He has a pretty nasty bruise on that birdleg of his. It is always a physical game when QHS plays Moline. Just glad they got out of there without any worse injuries.
Talked to Makenna and Chris on the web cam this morning. They were heading to the baseball game this evening, and tomorrow Chris and Maria have great seats for the Cardinals-49ers game.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Nice days of Summer's End
I can't believe the beautiful weather we are having. I hope it stays around for the entire soccer season. Speaking of soccer, QND and QHS play tomorrow evening, the first of two meetings. Looking forward to a great game. The Dede gang was here for pizza tonight, and Nolan brought his new Spiderman scooter. He can move on that thing! It was an early birthday present from me. The girls are showing their new dolls Mary Stella gave them. They have not typically been doll kids, but they seemed to really appreciate these dolls. I have a busy morning coming up. Bible study at St. Peter's, Chico to get groomed, and 3-month check up with oncologist. Better call it a night.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Blake, Chico, and friends take a ride in the Caddy; A good night for the soccer team
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