Quincy High Homecoming Parade on Thursday

Blake's soccer team riding on the bed of a purple semi

Blake is in the middle


Nolan and his buddy Carter had a game just before Blake's game

Cora is the ball girl in the background
A Routt Homecoming queen crowning snuck in....two Eilering queens....Bailey crowning her cousin Morgan

Blake on the truck with his friend Connor on the left

The coaches crouch down to talk to the 3 and 4 yr. olds. Nolan thinks he should get down low too! :o)

Nolan went to the sideline to tell Mommy that one of the girls had her shin guards on wrong.

Carter, Seth (both from Carrie's daycare) and Nolan after their first game. Happy teammates.
Looks like we will be going to games for quite awhile.
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