Autumn in Quincy, October, 2009

We saw this blue heron in the field behind our house a few days ago. I am told it is an endangered species. Apparently he is looking for food. Mario got close enough to see him nab a mouse and scarf it down.

Chico and Kitty fight like cats and dogs, then wear each other out and go to sleep at my feet on the couch.

They also like the rocking chair.

Sometimes they like their own space.

Get back to your homework and phone calls Mario!

Chico likes his puppy bed.

Mario tries to scare the grandkids with his scary mask.

" Cora's Creations." That is the name I suggested to her for her future business, whatever that is. She loves to cook and bake. She made this cake with pudding in the middle without any help from me, and I heard it was very good.

Trick or treating....last stop at Grandma Ginny's. Cora as a baby, Nolan the fireman, and Hannah the leopard.
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