The first 5 photos here are from Hannah's birthday party. I posted them after I finished writing captions, so these 5 are out of order. But I think you can clearly see what's going on!

Blake's high school soccer banquet--Blake loves the microphone, as you can plainly see....

I got my Charlie Brown Christmas tree up and a few decorations with the help of the grandkids. O and Kitty helped too.

Later, I found Kitty sleeping under the tree just like in the storybooks.

Mario and I at Ray and Judy's front door. Judy and I did the cooking for the QND faculty Christmas gathering this year, and they liked the food. We did an Italian meal, and it was very good. So good that we had two cheesecakes leftover, because everyone was full from the tortellini, mostaciolli, and giant pasta shells.

Cora baked some festive cakes and shared with Hannah and Nolan.

Kitty with Chico's favorite toy at Christmas. Lots of teasing went on between the two of them over this toy. We had to put it in the trash, though. As Kathy told me, if it has a noisemaker of any kind inside, the dog will chew on it til he gets it out.

Celebrating my 59th birthday on Jan. 17. Once again, Cora made the cake. :o)

Celebrating Hannah's 8th birthday the next week at Stoney Creek Inn with an overnight swimming party....

Tony took photos from the top bunk.

The girls eat their pizza and cake and ice cream before swimming the night away.

Happy Birthday girl.

The smallest person in the hotel room somehow got the biggest, most comfy chair. Prince Nolan.

Mommy Carrie and Grandma Ginny...only Tony goes in the water at the pool and gives the birthday party group lots of underwater rides. OOPS I just accidentally deleted that photo!
I will add it at the end.

The animals provide lots of entertainment for all of us.

Grandpa Mario and Sweet Kitty

Chico's new buddy Taco. They played and played for about two hours, then both went sound asleep.

As the above biography says, Cora got one of the lead roles in Baldwin's school musical this year. She was an excellent queen. She got to sing by herself and also danced with the rest of the cast. I was totally entertained and could not believe the drama coaches could pull off this musical with 4th-6th graders.

Carrie did her hair and Grandma Mary Lovell made her queen dress and cape. She was a pretty little queen, I'll tell ya.

Here she's singing and dancing with some of the other cast members. I am looking forward to seeing more of this when she gets to high school.

And last, Mario celebrated birthday #60 with a visit from little brother Frank. Well, he's not so little, but the two of them had a great time together. I am going to make sure these visits happen more often. The kids decorated the cake.

Mario didn't want a party for his birthday. So I kept thinking and thinking....what could I do to make his birthday special this year? And I came up with just the right idea....call Frank and see if he can come for a few days. Within a couple of hours, it was all arranged. Mario couldn't have been a happier birthday boy. :o)
I have much to say about the three weekends I spent at the retreat center, but I will wait to write about that until tomorrow. Mario needs the computer now for his ISD job.
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