The first No Fish Fish Fry was fun, probably had 100 or so people there, lots of servers and workers, so that's good. The food was very good; all leftovers can be served at school on Monday would be my guess. Everybody who heard the radio spot liked my little song. But the lady who was the radio announcer yesterday morning was a PE student of mine at QND back in the 70's, and I might add a loud and very overweight one; she said on the radio that she didn't like me as a teacher! After 30 years....she still can't let go of her dislike for her high school PE teacher....poor thing. I just laughed when they told me that. I didn't really like her as a student either. All she did was complain. So now she is on the radio telling the world that she didn't like me. Man, life is not fair sometimes! laugh laugh I do expect the No Fish Fish Fry to grow next week, and the week after. Of course, there were a couple of old people there complaining because we didn't have fish. Well, go to St. Dominic's across town--they have fish. Or McDonald's. Otherwise, it was a good spirit in the place, just not very many takers. We competed with 2 basketball games in town, a spaghetti supper at QHS, and St. Dom's fish fry. But people go where they want to go, and maybe next week, they will go to St. Peter's for Mexican night. OLE!
Today I will begin reading Oprah's book selection. And later today the grandkids are coming so the parents can go to the movies. At some point I am making Mary Beth's tortellini recipe. And I hope we can get the web cam going this evening with Chris and Maria so we can see that baby! We miss her already. Chris mentioned that they would be back in April. Then we will see them in June in Las Vegas. And they will be here in September for Isaac's wedding. So there will be several times to see her.....I don't know why this happens, grandmas all know it, but there is something touching about seeing your grown up little boy with a spit rag hanging out of his back pocket.
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