Be confident in this one thing that God, who has begun a good work in you, will complete it.
(Phil 1:6)
I think I have started a blog with this scripture before. I just think it says so much for us. I am awake in the middle of the night with aching hips. I've tried all my positive thinking tricks and a few stretching exercises, so now I will just try ignoring them. O they just don't exist!
Mario and I should be looking good for the NCAA pool. I drew North Carolina and UCLA out of the hat for us, and they are both in the Final Four in separate brackets after tonight's games. So am I right in thinking we have a 50-50 chance of winning? Well, it was fun watching North Carolina beat Louisville tonight, and that big boy in the middle was looking so stellar. Hope his next two games are that good!
We went to the Mexican restaurant for dinner tonight, and lately I seem to have trouble afterwards. Maybe I am going to have to stick to rice and beans when I eat there. I have already cut out the salsa, thinking that was it. I love Mexican food, not the hot and spicy stuff, but apparently most of it is very acidic, and I can't tolerate that any more. Or maybe I just need to stick to cheeseburgers!
Talked to Chris and Maria today on the webcam. Makenna looks like a great big baby doll. Chris is going to be traveling in April with some US Military Brass. First he goes to Washington, DC, then to South America. The Military is taking about 40 US Fortune 500 Company CEOs, mayors from several big cities, and business leaders to several military installations throughout the world to show them what our military is trying to accomplish in these places. It is an ambassador program called the Joint Civilian Orientation Conference. He was nominated for this program by the local base commander at the Yuma Proving Ground, I think that's right. It will be an interesting experience for him.
Blake's soccer team played today, and he scored for the third game in a row. So we are psyched about that! He has worked hard to make that body stronger this year, and it has helped a lot. He will be at the high school next year and will have to work hard for his spot on the soccer team. But we know he can do it!
Looking forward to Idolmaniac Party#2 on Tuesday in Jacksonville. I am brushing up on Dolly Parton songs, and I'll be ready to perform with the other Couch Sistas if the spirit moves me!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Saturday....slow and easy
Today I hope to get the kitchen floor swiffer-mopped and vacuum upstairs. Mario offered, but I need the exercise. Afternoon--will finish sending letters about the Haycraft reunion. Rest a bit then out to dinner with Thom and Kendall Bowen--promised them a dinner out to celebrate Thom's mom Millie's extraordinary life. I will probably wear another one of her great jackets.
Yesterday I went to "Goin' Bonkers" with the Dede Daycare. Actually took a little trek up the trail with Nolan and went down the slide with him. Got him over his fear of heights, then sat down and ate cake! It was one the daycare kid's birthday, so I got in on that one too.
Yesterday I went to "Goin' Bonkers" with the Dede Daycare. Actually took a little trek up the trail with Nolan and went down the slide with him. Got him over his fear of heights, then sat down and ate cake! It was one the daycare kid's birthday, so I got in on that one too.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Go Teams Go!
Well I may not be good at Idol picks, but both Camacho teams in the pool won last night. Go North Carolina and UCLA! We need gas money for another Idol trip. I filled my tank yesterday and for the first time topped the $51 mark! Amazing. But I will keep ramblin' on.
I am finishing "The Secret" today, am in the last chapter, and I recommend it all except the part about bills and checks. Too stupid for words, that part. But the parts that are good for me, and probably for everybody, make it a very good little book. One idea I will try to implement is that when you don't feel good, you just don't say it or even acknowledge it. You say "I feel good!" That brings you more good feelings from the Universe than talking or thinking about feeling badly. So pain and unhealthy cells, BE GONE!
Today I will start a new book, INTO THE WILD. I saw the movie recently and was intrigued by the story of this talented young man who is soul-searching. Thanks to Theresa who lent the book to me. Will let you know what I think.
Mario and watched basketball on the big screen downstairs last night and ate Papa Murphy's pizza. I also watched a movie Carrie had loaned me called AUGUST RUSH. Very enjoyable. I recommend it. Uplifting and no violence. Lots and lots of different kinds of music. And Robin Williams has another oddball roll. I do like Carrie Russell and Jonathon Reis Myers, think that's his name. They are both very talented actors.
Today I am taking lunch to Mario and celebrating with his staff friends the official end of my radiation experience, as the radiation doc cut me loose yesterday. That's one I can cross off. Yeh! I am healing nicely.
I am finishing "The Secret" today, am in the last chapter, and I recommend it all except the part about bills and checks. Too stupid for words, that part. But the parts that are good for me, and probably for everybody, make it a very good little book. One idea I will try to implement is that when you don't feel good, you just don't say it or even acknowledge it. You say "I feel good!" That brings you more good feelings from the Universe than talking or thinking about feeling badly. So pain and unhealthy cells, BE GONE!
Today I will start a new book, INTO THE WILD. I saw the movie recently and was intrigued by the story of this talented young man who is soul-searching. Thanks to Theresa who lent the book to me. Will let you know what I think.
Mario and watched basketball on the big screen downstairs last night and ate Papa Murphy's pizza. I also watched a movie Carrie had loaned me called AUGUST RUSH. Very enjoyable. I recommend it. Uplifting and no violence. Lots and lots of different kinds of music. And Robin Williams has another oddball roll. I do like Carrie Russell and Jonathon Reis Myers, think that's his name. They are both very talented actors.
Today I am taking lunch to Mario and celebrating with his staff friends the official end of my radiation experience, as the radiation doc cut me loose yesterday. That's one I can cross off. Yeh! I am healing nicely.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Had a great Easter, enjoyed the trip to Harrah's, ate some fantastic food, and just plain enjoyed myself. It was good for Mario to get away. We will hopefully get to do this again.
I cannot remember what I did on Tuesday. I think some errands after physical therapy. Oh, yes, and I drove to J'Ville to the Eilerings for the Idolmaniac party. Had fun, and look forward to the next one in a couple of weeks. Did a little performing myself with the "Couch Girls"....just couldn't not stay seated when Kristy Lee Cook sang "Proud to be an American." It was reminiscent of the days of the Gulf War back in the 90's when I was in Las Vegas with Mom and Dad. We went 3 nights in a row to see the John Wills Band at Sam's Town and requested that song every night. Everybody in the audience stood up, the older folks put their hands over their hearts, many toasted the occasion, and we all just sang our hearts out. Drank some wine last night and slept like a baby.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Easter Lilies....and Resurrection Thoughts
Well I have not really appreciated the beauty of the traditional Easter flower, the lily. I have never bought one, for me or for anybody else. But this morning I read the following description of the Easter lily in our newspaper, and I had a little change of heart. See what you think.....
Pale, pure and still....Christ's body lay wrapped in burial linen, hidden in the darkness of the grave.
So the lily slumbers, appearing without life or luster, its petals tightly closed in the gloom of night. God created the lily to blossom in the light of open wide its pale, pure, translucent petals to greet the heavens.
Chris's crucifixion and resurrection were like the blossoming of the lily. Though we are born into sin and darkness, because God sacrificed His son, we can blossom and flourish since our sins are forgiven.
How beautiful are the lilies as they open to the sunrise, their glorious white petals spread wide with promise. On Easter morning, let us open our hearts with praise and thanksgiving for God's gift of salvation! Alleluia!
Well I think that says it all about Easter, lilies and all. I hope for a beautiful Easter for everyone. For the first time that I can remember, I will be in my own church for Easter, playing the glorious Easter music on my guitar. I still am not permitted to sing because of my past laryngeal troubles, but one of these days.....I am very happy to be making the music with the Faler family and several others. After mass, the Dedes will come here for a quick lunch that I am putting together today, Carrie's favorite--MB's tortellini recipe. Then the traditional Easter egg hunt. I filled the eggs with dollar bills, TCBY coupons for ice cream, and of course, some jelly beans and malt balls. Blake and Mario will hide them; then I am sure Blake will help Nolan find his. The girls won't need any help--they are seasoned veterans at finding the eggs. After we are done, Mario and I will take off for St. Louis, joining some sisters and their husbands for a little fun at Harrah's. Oh, and I have heard Harrah's has a fabulous buffet! I won't forget my buffet purse and buffet pants. We have been trying to do this trip for about 2 years, and God willing, we are finally doing it! Mario has Monday off, and we could both use a change of scenery. And we have promised to donate 10% of our winnings, since we are gambling on Resurrection Day.
Got a quick couple of Nolan stories....
Earlier in the week, Carrie comes in the kitchen and sees Nolan up to something. He has opened the fridge and found the package of hot dogs. He decided to microwave himself some dogs. "I'm hungry," he told Carrie. At age 2 1/2, she hadn't realized Nolan was quite ready to do his own cooking.
Yesterday, he disappeared. When Carrie realized he wasn't present, she began looking and calling for him. "Nolan, where are you?" He would answer, (and she could hear him answering rather faintly), "I'm up here." But Carrie couldn't quite figure out where 'up here' was. It took a few moments and repeating the question and answer several times, "Where are you?", "I'm up here," before she realized he had opened the door to the garage and was out there. She found him at the top of the ladder. "What are you doing up there?" she asked, trying not to be alarmed. "I'm lookin' for somethin'," was his answer. Apparently Tony had been high atop the ladder earlier in the week looking for something in the storage area.
She's gonna have to tie that kid up or follow his every move if she wants him to survive the terrible two's!
Happy and Blessed Easter everyone. I love you.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday...
Got up early today--finally got to see the tape of Dancing With the Stars. Very touching to see Monica Seles, who was competing so much she never got to go to the prom. So this was her prom. Sometimes it is life's simple pleasures that do mean the most. Kristi dances so well that I think she will be the gal to beat. But my heart was with both Priscilla (age 62--WOW!) and Marlee, who can't hear. Amazing.
Time to think about the Paschal Mystery. It is supposed to be 60 degrees today, so maybe I can get Mario to meet me in the park for lunch for a fish sandwich and just enjoy a little of the outdoors. I have not seen any daffodils or tulips blooming yet, but a day like today might bring them on.
Time to think about the Paschal Mystery. It is supposed to be 60 degrees today, so maybe I can get Mario to meet me in the park for lunch for a fish sandwich and just enjoy a little of the outdoors. I have not seen any daffodils or tulips blooming yet, but a day like today might bring them on.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Holy Thursday
It's a quiet day today. Saw the orthopedist today for the yearly check on my hip replacement. Everything is still in the right place in the hip. Good. The doc wanted to talk more about my cancer treatment and had a great compliment for me on the newspaper article. Said I'd done something very good for the community with it. And his research says that patients who go into something with a good attitude have a far greater % of recovery.
This afternoon has been devoted to changing my email address. Again. Well thanks to Tony, it is all done. I don't know what I'd do without that boy. A few home-made cookies and a little babysitting the grandkids (not really babysitting when it's your grandkids!) seems like small payment for keeping our computers going forward.
I am happy for the skunk rocker. She got what she wanted out of IDOL which was recognition. She said so when she said that she just wanted some people to buy some tickets to her shows cause they see she's a fun chick! She will fill quite a few bars in Indiana and have a great time entertaining those folks. And because Simon likes her, there may be something else in the cards for her too if he thinks she can make him some $ with that odd talent of hers. Well I am now thinking Brooke and David A. will give each other the run for the title.
Going to church tonight. If I can.
This afternoon has been devoted to changing my email address. Again. Well thanks to Tony, it is all done. I don't know what I'd do without that boy. A few home-made cookies and a little babysitting the grandkids (not really babysitting when it's your grandkids!) seems like small payment for keeping our computers going forward.
I am happy for the skunk rocker. She got what she wanted out of IDOL which was recognition. She said so when she said that she just wanted some people to buy some tickets to her shows cause they see she's a fun chick! She will fill quite a few bars in Indiana and have a great time entertaining those folks. And because Simon likes her, there may be something else in the cards for her too if he thinks she can make him some $ with that odd talent of hers. Well I am now thinking Brooke and David A. will give each other the run for the title.
Going to church tonight. If I can.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday of Holy Week
Up early on Tuesday to do my Bible study lesson--takes a couple of hours. Very informative and thought-provoking, a good way to start the day. I am still trying to get my walking legs back. I did about 1/2 hour at the mall with Judy and Linda, and that was it. Then on to PT, very good for rebuilding the area around the scars, and always encouraging to me. I took a bowl of chicken noodle soup for lunch to my friend Suzie Longo who is recovering from a 2nd ordeal with cancer. Then a couple of hours of rest at home, watching Rachel Ray and Oprah's boy show. For supper I made, can you believe it, SALMON PATTIES! Sounded good, tasted good. Then the scramble to see both IDOL and DANCING WITH THE STARS. Loved David A. and Syesha this week, and I am in awe of the dancing of Priscilla and Marlee. I will watch the front half of Dancing on the tape today. Looks like Monica Seles can't dance very well. That would be me in ballroom dancing! Thinking of Uncle Jimmy Haycraft who will have an angiogram on Friday at 8AM. He is having a repeat of shortness of breath that sent him to the doctor several years ago for the procedure. Good news from the Eilering household....Carolyn told me yesterday that Paige spent the whole day at school. Go Paige....You're a trooper!
Prayerful thoughts for Holy Week...
May our homes be filled with dancing
May our streets be filled with joy
May injustice bow to Jesus
As the people turn and pray
From the mountain to the valley
Hear our praises rise to YOU
From the heavens to the nations
Hear the singing fill the air
May our light shine in the darkness
As we walk before the cross
May YOUR glory fill the whole earth
As the water over sea
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Prayerful thoughts for Holy Week...
May our homes be filled with dancing
May our streets be filled with joy
May injustice bow to Jesus
As the people turn and pray
From the mountain to the valley
Hear our praises rise to YOU
From the heavens to the nations
Hear the singing fill the air
May our light shine in the darkness
As we walk before the cross
May YOUR glory fill the whole earth
As the water over sea
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Rain Rain, Go Away!
I am reminded of a time a couple of years back when Quincy was under a tornado warning. In fact, 2 tornados had touched down in the last 10 minutes within a few miles of Quincy and were headed our way. Mario and I were in touch with Carrie by cell phone, both households in our basements, readying ourselves for the possible. Carrie told me later that to calm the kids, she asked them to pray. After a few moments of quiet contemplation, Hannah, age 3?, offered her thoughtful prayer: Rain Rain, Go Away, Come again another day. I believe God heard her prayer, as the rain and wind passed, and order was quickly restored in the Quincy corner of the universe.
So today the rain will pass. It is going south of us. Good, because our sump pump was working overtime all night. We are hopeful for some sunshine by Wednesday.
Mario and I watched the first night of Dancing With the Stars last night. He decided to watch with me so he knows what everybody is talking about. Tonight we have a conflict for a half-hour, as Idol and Dancing overlap. Time to use the new DVR. We are already rooting for the football player on Dancing With the Stars. I am looking forward to seeing what Priscilla can do tonight.
Chris had his wisdom teeth out last Friday. I am hopeful that he is healing well. And I am anxiously awaiting our next webcam date. Looks like we will get a visit from the Yumans in May. Yeh! I miss them.
Holy Week. What difference has the Crucified Christ made in my life? That is the question our pastor asked us to consider this week after we read The Passion at mass on Sunday. That was his sermon. What difference has the Crucified Christ made in my life? I contemplate....the Risen Christ!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
This morning I read about St. Patrick in my morning meditation. He was an ordinary man who felt called to spread the faith to all of Ireland. Just a regular guy in the beginning, but his legacy is obvious. He followed his heart, and today the Irish are a grateful lot! The Irish in me thanks St. Paddy. Me Murphy and Ryan and McCabe heritages (I think that covers them all) are feelin' a little spunky today. Actually, I think they are spunky every day, just a bit more today!
Yesterday began at mass with the Passion reading, a somber beginning for the day. All the songs reflective and wandering in tone...looking for the meaning of it all. Then on to Wendy's for a fun lunch with the Dedes. After a stop at Walmart, I settled in to the recliner to watch Into the Wild. Interesting. Tough to watch at the end. The kid was looking for meaning, and in the end, he found it, but it was too late for him, sadly. So much potential.
Last night I finally got to see most of the Osmonds 50th Anniversary show on PBS. It wasn't listed in the TV program, and I just happened to turn past it looking for something to watch. So I missed the beginning with Andy Williams. What a talented and entertaining family. I hope it is on DVD at Walmart like almost everything else is eventually! Marie sang her Broadway songs that we saw her do in her show in Springfield in December--awesome again. The girl has some pipes!
Also saw the Grand Ole Opry Gospel show last night. Carrie Underwood does an amazing job singing How Great Thou Art. She's got the amazing pipes too. What a gift.
A weekend highlight was seeing Paige on Saturday, just for a short while on the way out of Jacksonville. I got to watch the 3rd place at State cheerleading video while I was there. What a great performance for a little bitty school. Lots of talent in that group, and they deserved a trophy! Paige was resting on the couch after her trip to Springfield, but what I noticed was the great Paige spirit. She's got it, and that is what will carry her through. Go Paige!
Yesterday began at mass with the Passion reading, a somber beginning for the day. All the songs reflective and wandering in tone...looking for the meaning of it all. Then on to Wendy's for a fun lunch with the Dedes. After a stop at Walmart, I settled in to the recliner to watch Into the Wild. Interesting. Tough to watch at the end. The kid was looking for meaning, and in the end, he found it, but it was too late for him, sadly. So much potential.
Last night I finally got to see most of the Osmonds 50th Anniversary show on PBS. It wasn't listed in the TV program, and I just happened to turn past it looking for something to watch. So I missed the beginning with Andy Williams. What a talented and entertaining family. I hope it is on DVD at Walmart like almost everything else is eventually! Marie sang her Broadway songs that we saw her do in her show in Springfield in December--awesome again. The girl has some pipes!
Also saw the Grand Ole Opry Gospel show last night. Carrie Underwood does an amazing job singing How Great Thou Art. She's got the amazing pipes too. What a gift.
A weekend highlight was seeing Paige on Saturday, just for a short while on the way out of Jacksonville. I got to watch the 3rd place at State cheerleading video while I was there. What a great performance for a little bitty school. Lots of talent in that group, and they deserved a trophy! Paige was resting on the couch after her trip to Springfield, but what I noticed was the great Paige spirit. She's got it, and that is what will carry her through. Go Paige!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
A Busy Saturday....
We headed east Saturday morning, as Mario went to ISD to translate for an open house for parents day. He finally got to meet a few of the parents he has been conversing with on the phone since August. One mom told him how good looking he is, and another told him she actually visualized him as being "much taller." He loved that one! He had a great time and was all smiles telling me the stories of the day. I was hopeful all week that I would be able to travel to Springfield to visit Uncle Jimmy and Jonnie. They were so kind to send me cards throughout my treatment, and I just wanted to see them and thank them in person. And they have just returned from a trip to Italy that I wanted to hear all about. So Mario dropped me off at Mom's, and we headed to Springfield and met Jimmy and Jonnie for lunch at O'Charley's. As always, it was a great lunch there. Then we headed south to Panther Creek where they live at 3600 Sandpiper. It is a fantastic house filled with colorful art; Jonnie goes to the Springfield Art Faire in the spring and has a favorite artist there. I also learned that Jonnie is a quilter. A large basement room is set up for her quilting hobby, and she is very good at it! She showed us a few of her treasures, some made by her, some by others. She is a beautiful person, and how good it is that Jimmy and Jonnie have found each other. They entertained us with some dance moves learned in Italy....well, actually it was Jimmy doing the entertaining and Jonnie going along with him....we decided that once a month we are going to get together, and anybody who wants to come, come on! I will take a look at the calendar and pick a day the end of April to gather again. We just laughed and laughed and told and heard many stories. By the time Mario and I got home, we were too tired to stay awake for the movie Michael Clayton I had rented. I love George Clooney, and he was very serious in this role, but I think we missed the middle of it and neither of us could make sense of the ending! Maybe we will try again today. The same thing happened with The 3:10 to Yuma. Couldn't stay awake! Now is that the sign of old age or a bad movie? Today I will try Into the Wild. Maybe watching in the afternoon will work out better.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Another Nolan story....
I didn't get this story written yesterday, but it is still amusing me today....On Thursday, Carrie had a light load at the daycare, so she decided to do what we all need to do at this time of year--spring clean the van. So off to the carwash she went with Nolan and Baby JD in their carseats, JD fast asleep. She scrounges the van and her purse for just enough quarters for the outdoor vacuum machine. She's got the vacuum going full-out in the very back of the van when she looks up and sees Nolan standing up on the seat and trying to give her a yell about know how loud that vacuum is at the car wash. Well, now she can also hear something else. It is a screeching honk...honk....honk, and it is clear immediately that Nolan has pressed the panic button on the van keychain. She had left the keys hanging loosely from the ignition, but curious Nolan, who she is learning you cannot trust anywhere with anything at this point, had not only pressed the panic button, but he had also bent the key so she could not get it in the ignition to turn off the alarm. So now she gets out of the van to try to press the key against the concrete curb with her foot to straighten it out. Nolan is standing on the seat, yelling at her out the window, "Mom, IT'S LOUD! Mom, IT HURTS MY EARS! Mom, CAN'T YOU SHUT IT OFF? And of course, Baby JD is now awake and screaming at the top of his lungs. It takes 3 tries, but Carrie finally gets the key straightened out enough to get it in the ignition and turn the alarm off. Oh, and unfortunately, she was out of quarters and out of time on the vacuum machine, so spring cleaning will continue on another day....
Friday I got my monthly Swedish massage. Can't say enough about doing this for oneself. I am certain that this is a good health practice for the lymphatic, immune, and nervous systems. I continue to highly recommend it. Finding the right massage therapist is a must, and I believe I have done that here. Her name is Jessica. She is 22 and had a year of training somewhere in North Carolina to do this. The strength in her hands is amazing. She told me yesterday she can do 6 1-hour massages a day. I couldn't do one!
We met the Dedes for supper at church, then home and I finished watching "Across the Universe," the movie featuring the Beatles' music. I liked it.
Today Mario is translating at ISD, so we will hit the road at 9 for Jacksonville. He is getting a blackberry from them, so he can have more direct communicaton with ISD staff when needed, instead of having to email through Carolyn, which is what he has been doing. (Actually it is me--I am the unofficial secretary for him in this!) While he is there, I am going to visit Uncle Jimmy and Jonnie in Springfield. And I am looking forward to seeing Paige and giving her and her heart a big hug!
Friday I got my monthly Swedish massage. Can't say enough about doing this for oneself. I am certain that this is a good health practice for the lymphatic, immune, and nervous systems. I continue to highly recommend it. Finding the right massage therapist is a must, and I believe I have done that here. Her name is Jessica. She is 22 and had a year of training somewhere in North Carolina to do this. The strength in her hands is amazing. She told me yesterday she can do 6 1-hour massages a day. I couldn't do one!
We met the Dedes for supper at church, then home and I finished watching "Across the Universe," the movie featuring the Beatles' music. I liked it.
Today Mario is translating at ISD, so we will hit the road at 9 for Jacksonville. He is getting a blackberry from them, so he can have more direct communicaton with ISD staff when needed, instead of having to email through Carolyn, which is what he has been doing. (Actually it is me--I am the unofficial secretary for him in this!) While he is there, I am going to visit Uncle Jimmy and Jonnie in Springfield. And I am looking forward to seeing Paige and giving her and her heart a big hug!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Banging of the Gong!
Thanks to encouragement from Kathy, I invited a few friends and my family who had helped me through the past seven months of chemo and radiation, and I banged the heck outa the gong at the Blessing Cancer Center on Monday, March 10th. I walked past this giant gong every time I went to an appointment, but the significance of the "gong ceremony" was lost on me until Monday. They know what they are doing there, and by participating in the ceremony, I could celebrate the completion of medical interventions that were both amazing and challenging. With one hard WAP! a lot of feelings were released. Some days were hard, very hard. But I decided to remain standing in the light, and that made all the difference. I could not have done it without the help of family and friends. I love you! And I praise God for you! Lunch afterwards continued the celebration, and we just had the best time....who would guess that the special that day would be a Mexican concoction!!! I love the daffodils, bracelet, and crystal cross, and all the good wishes of the day. Sharing the bottle of champaign Theresa brought was fun, and I will always remember her kind words (when I made her make a toast!!!) Marty's reminder that "Salvation is for those who are trying" is memorable for this day in Lent when I am doing as Mother Angelica instructs in her wonderful little book: Focus on the sacrament of living in the present moment. And I will do that with joy, acceptance, and enthusiasm!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
It's a slow time in bloggerland
I am off the blog for a bit for some r and r. I have the story to tell about banging the gong, and I did bang the hell out of it and had a great time. Give me a day or two and I'll get back with ya.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Sunday afternoon....
I began the day watching the Hour of Power on Lifetime channel--I love to start my Sunday with that show, and I always seem to wake up about 3 minutes before it begins. I like the music and the positive Christian message of the show.
We missed Carrie and gang at mass--they forgot about the clock changing. But we joined up for a great lunch at Kelly's.
I am looking forward to banging the gong at the cancer center tomorrow, signaling the end of my treatment and that I am a survivor. I hope Dr. Ali, my oncologist, gives the green light to get the port out of my chest. If all the bloodwork looks good, that should happen and the surgeon will remove it later this week I think.
We saw Makenna on the web cam today. Big girl! And I thought she looked more like Maria today. Her eyes looked so blue. Looks like they might make a trip back sometime in May.
God is good.
We missed Carrie and gang at mass--they forgot about the clock changing. But we joined up for a great lunch at Kelly's.
I am looking forward to banging the gong at the cancer center tomorrow, signaling the end of my treatment and that I am a survivor. I hope Dr. Ali, my oncologist, gives the green light to get the port out of my chest. If all the bloodwork looks good, that should happen and the surgeon will remove it later this week I think.
We saw Makenna on the web cam today. Big girl! And I thought she looked more like Maria today. Her eyes looked so blue. Looks like they might make a trip back sometime in May.
God is good.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Saturday Night at Grandma's house....
Today we got the DVR, so we are now in the 21st century with the TVs. I think I know how to use it. If I can't figure it out, I have my own special tech, Tony, to show me the way!
We all must offer praise and thanksgiving to God for Paige's recovery. WOW! God is good.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Fun with the Support Group Celebrating St. Pat's Day
I found this little thought when I was reading my morning meditation....maybe there is a place for it in today's events....
God's delays are not God's denials. No, God answers every prayer....
If the request isn't right, His answer is no.
If the timing isn't right, His answer is slow.
If you aren't ready yet, His answer is grow.
And when everything's right and ready, His answer is go!
(from Robert H. Schuller--Hour of Power)
If anyone is reading "A New Earth," (Oprah's book club selection) .....I absolutely love the duck story on pages 137-139. We need more flapping out there! Once again....the sacrament of living in the present moment as recommended by Mother Angelica.
Today I will try walking with Judy and the girls. I have been trying to build up endurance again, but I have been slowed by some unexplained esophageal pain. Maybe it is inflamed from the chemo and radiation. Or maybe yeast, or something else....will have the gastro guy take a look sometime next week. It is always fun to be with Judy.
My guy Luke got the boot on Idol, but his joy was obvious--don't know what he has lined up, but he will not be doing the carpet cleaning for a living anymore. I suspect he will get some modeling or acting deal, if not singing. I am sorry Asiah is gone. I thought she was good and a natural on stage. Well, only room for 12. Life goes on.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Just have a couple of thoughts....
The country is struggling over a Barack/Oprah ticket. I am pleased that Hillary hung in there to keep the Democratic race interesting. I watched John McCain with Pres. Bush in a White House interview yesterday, and McCain appeared to have a harder time speaking than Bush. O no, not another four years of a President that can't speak off the top of his head with some intelligence. Maybe he was just tired, maybe up all night? I don't know, but he didn't make much sense to me. Maybe just a bad day.
The girls on Idol were entertaining last night. I thought they all were good. Don't know who will go; maybe the Carrie protoges. I thought Brooke was at her best. She may just come on strong as time goes on, and she gets some professional tips. Is it possible that the judges are just running out of things to say? I could have watched the whole show without them last night.
I feel thankful this morning that Paige got the big warning signal, painful though it was to crash to the floor and injure herself. My friend Jan's granddaughter Anna has had a pacemaker for quite awhile, and she is doing very well. Paige is going to feel so much better with more oxygen flowing through her. Praise God. And everybody hug your kids and know how awesome they are, 'cause you never know when God wants 'em back.
The country is struggling over a Barack/Oprah ticket. I am pleased that Hillary hung in there to keep the Democratic race interesting. I watched John McCain with Pres. Bush in a White House interview yesterday, and McCain appeared to have a harder time speaking than Bush. O no, not another four years of a President that can't speak off the top of his head with some intelligence. Maybe he was just tired, maybe up all night? I don't know, but he didn't make much sense to me. Maybe just a bad day.
The girls on Idol were entertaining last night. I thought they all were good. Don't know who will go; maybe the Carrie protoges. I thought Brooke was at her best. She may just come on strong as time goes on, and she gets some professional tips. Is it possible that the judges are just running out of things to say? I could have watched the whole show without them last night.
I feel thankful this morning that Paige got the big warning signal, painful though it was to crash to the floor and injure herself. My friend Jan's granddaughter Anna has had a pacemaker for quite awhile, and she is doing very well. Paige is going to feel so much better with more oxygen flowing through her. Praise God. And everybody hug your kids and know how awesome they are, 'cause you never know when God wants 'em back.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Trying something different....
God bless our Paige, sideways or right side up. We will keep trying to figure it out!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Be Confident in this one thing....
Be confident in this one thing that God, who has begun a good work in you will complete it.
(Phil 1:6)
Got back to walking yesterday at the mall for about 30 minutes. Will rejoin Judy and others Friday and hopefully be able to keep the pace. I need it! Saturday we will finally enter the DVR age. We are converting all our TVs to the Dish Satellite and will lose the cable. It will require new training for me, UGH, but will be about $30 cheaper per month this way. And I understand recording shows will be better and simpler with the DVR....
Highlight of yesterday was watching Paige and Bailey try on their prom dresses at our Eighth Avenue Villager shop here in Quincy. Beautiful and Cute/Unique dresses.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Good Monday Morning!
AFter a weekend away for Trivia Night in Springfield to support Kathy's Youth Service Bureau, and then mass for Dad on Sunday followed by lunch at Hardees, I am glad for a slow morning. I have the usual trip to the allergy clinic today, but other than a couple of errands, it is a day for laundry and I think putting away the snowmen. I am doing everything I can here to encourage spring.
A week from today, I will see my oncologist for the routine bloodwork and inspection. Then I am going to gather with people who have been with me through the BCE (breast cancer experience) for a little ceremony they do at the cancer center with people who have completed their treatment. After that, lunch at The Pier. That is something to look forward to. I hope everybody can come.
I am looking at a basket full of beanie babies I got from the silent auction at Trivia Night. Hannah is going to love them. And there is one rahrrrr...Nolan's current name for a dinosaur, that he might like. They are unique--not the run-of-the-mill collection of beanies.
Speaking of dinosaurs....gotta tell a story from the Dede household.....
Yesterday was a beautiful, warm sunny day here. So Tony and Carrie decided to tackle their garage. Cleaning it out that is. Now if you haven't had the experience of viewing their garage, let's just say, it needed it. So they are pitching and tossing and organizing 10 years of stuff from their collective lives. Carrie finds some of Blake's old toys, including some dinosaurs that she thinks Nolan would now like to play with, so she puts them in the kitchen sink to wash later for him....begin to get a picture Nolan gets up from his nap and sees the dinosaurs in the sink and decides he will help out....apparently turning on the water in the kitchen sink. OK. Are you getting the picture here???
So eventually he comes to the garage door and tells Carrie, "Mommy, water." Now we all know that Nolan is getting a little speech therapy, because the experts have determined that his speech is a little delayed for a 2 1/2 yr. old. But I am thinking, "Mommy, water," should be enough language to alert someone that something might be up. Well, Carrie was so engrossed in the task at hand, she basically ignored him. He even told her his socks were wet, but since Nolan gets freaked out easily about such things, she decided not to respond immediately to that little sign either....OK is the picture getting more clear here?
Now we are probably talking minutes here, not seconds, and Carrie sticks her head in the door and discovers Nolan's socks are drenched. And she hears water running. In the house she goes, and there it sink overflowing, water, water everywhere....
TONY! She screams. He comes in, sees the situation, heads down the stairs, and sure enough, the water is flooding into the basement too. SH*#+!^;T Nolan, he yells from downstairs. And Nolan innocently stands at the top of the stairs, yelling back down to him, "What happened, Daddy? What happened?
WEll, it doesn't sound like either parent could get too upset with Nolan. After some work with the shop vac and probably some fans to dry things out, nobody hurt. A few feet over downstairs, and the water would have gotten the computers. So that is something to be thankful for. I was thinking, does insurance cover damage in this situation?
Always a good story at the Dedes!
A week from today, I will see my oncologist for the routine bloodwork and inspection. Then I am going to gather with people who have been with me through the BCE (breast cancer experience) for a little ceremony they do at the cancer center with people who have completed their treatment. After that, lunch at The Pier. That is something to look forward to. I hope everybody can come.
I am looking at a basket full of beanie babies I got from the silent auction at Trivia Night. Hannah is going to love them. And there is one rahrrrr...Nolan's current name for a dinosaur, that he might like. They are unique--not the run-of-the-mill collection of beanies.
Speaking of dinosaurs....gotta tell a story from the Dede household.....
Yesterday was a beautiful, warm sunny day here. So Tony and Carrie decided to tackle their garage. Cleaning it out that is. Now if you haven't had the experience of viewing their garage, let's just say, it needed it. So they are pitching and tossing and organizing 10 years of stuff from their collective lives. Carrie finds some of Blake's old toys, including some dinosaurs that she thinks Nolan would now like to play with, so she puts them in the kitchen sink to wash later for him....begin to get a picture Nolan gets up from his nap and sees the dinosaurs in the sink and decides he will help out....apparently turning on the water in the kitchen sink. OK. Are you getting the picture here???
So eventually he comes to the garage door and tells Carrie, "Mommy, water." Now we all know that Nolan is getting a little speech therapy, because the experts have determined that his speech is a little delayed for a 2 1/2 yr. old. But I am thinking, "Mommy, water," should be enough language to alert someone that something might be up. Well, Carrie was so engrossed in the task at hand, she basically ignored him. He even told her his socks were wet, but since Nolan gets freaked out easily about such things, she decided not to respond immediately to that little sign either....OK is the picture getting more clear here?
Now we are probably talking minutes here, not seconds, and Carrie sticks her head in the door and discovers Nolan's socks are drenched. And she hears water running. In the house she goes, and there it sink overflowing, water, water everywhere....
TONY! She screams. He comes in, sees the situation, heads down the stairs, and sure enough, the water is flooding into the basement too. SH*#+!^;T Nolan, he yells from downstairs. And Nolan innocently stands at the top of the stairs, yelling back down to him, "What happened, Daddy? What happened?
WEll, it doesn't sound like either parent could get too upset with Nolan. After some work with the shop vac and probably some fans to dry things out, nobody hurt. A few feet over downstairs, and the water would have gotten the computers. So that is something to be thankful for. I was thinking, does insurance cover damage in this situation?
Always a good story at the Dedes!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Well Friday was apparently THE BIG COLLAPSE day. It started normally with a little dusting and vacuuming. I headed out the door for the allergy dr., then to meet my friend Martha for lunch. We always have great conversation about lots of things, and I look forward to getting together with her every month or so. About 3/4 of the way through lunch, I started feeling funky. Let's just say I felt like I was unable to totally control my words, and I started seeing double, or something like that. I asked Martha if I looked right to her. She said she noticed something had changed in me a few minutes earlier when I was telling her about Alan's mother. The word she used to describe me was "woozy." So she asked if she should call someone. I thought about it, then decided a combination of things was probably causing this. After a few minutes, she helped me to the door and drove me home. I went to bed at 2 in the afternoon, and pretty much slept til about 1 this morning. I didn't feel sick. Just a little out of control of myself. It is possible that the morning med I usually take at 9, which I forgot until 11 yesterday, mixed with the med I take to settle my digestive system so I can eat. But I think more likely is that the emotion/tired of the last couple of days (and maybe months) just got me. Now here I am wide awake at 3 in the morning! Well, I am getting a few things done, and the middle of the night is always peaceful. I feel a strong presence of the spirit world at this time of night.
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