Thursday, March 20, 2008

Holy Thursday

It's a quiet day today. Saw the orthopedist today for the yearly check on my hip replacement. Everything is still in the right place in the hip. Good. The doc wanted to talk more about my cancer treatment and had a great compliment for me on the newspaper article. Said I'd done something very good for the community with it. And his research says that patients who go into something with a good attitude have a far greater % of recovery.

This afternoon has been devoted to changing my email address. Again. Well thanks to Tony, it is all done. I don't know what I'd do without that boy. A few home-made cookies and a little babysitting the grandkids (not really babysitting when it's your grandkids!) seems like small payment for keeping our computers going forward.

I am happy for the skunk rocker. She got what she wanted out of IDOL which was recognition. She said so when she said that she just wanted some people to buy some tickets to her shows cause they see she's a fun chick! She will fill quite a few bars in Indiana and have a great time entertaining those folks. And because Simon likes her, there may be something else in the cards for her too if he thinks she can make him some $ with that odd talent of hers. Well I am now thinking Brooke and David A. will give each other the run for the title.

Going to church tonight. If I can.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I'm not feeling it for Brooke....too naieve. I love her, but don't think she's in it till the end.