About 75 women meet the first Tuesday of each month here in Quincy at the Cancer Center; the place transforms for the evening into a banquet hall/concert venue for the monthly meeting of the breast cancer support group. Actually, this group does not feel like a stereotypical "support group." We really don't talk about our experiences with breast cancer, other than the 10-minute presentation that is part of each monthly gathering. The purpose of that presentation is to inform, and sometimes it also entertains. We start with a great meal; usually the theme corresponds with the calendar. This month we had the St. Patrick's thing going on. I have never eaten corned beef and cabbage, but when it is free and everybody else is eating it, well what the heck! The corned beef actually was pretty good. This month's program was about tea--the benefits we get from drinking it and how to correctly brew it. Of course, I learned a lot about hot tea from Grandma Johnson. I wonder what happened to her tea pot. The top photo portrays the St. Paddy's guitarist/singer and the lady who leads the group. Carrie is in the foreground in the middle photo; she joins me when she can. The support group welcomes the female family/friends who have been support to cancer patients. In the bottom photo, I am standing with a lady who has had an incredible battle with several cancers beginning many decades ago. She makes the silk flower arrangements for the Tea Room and is inspiring to me. What an amazing energy she has. When one asks the question "Why has this happened to me?", well you have to believe that a big part of it is just bad luck. Anyway, Marcia is a bundle of spirit, and it is contagious. The evening ends with the door prize giveaways...I am 6 for 6! They drew my number first, just as I was telling the woman next to me that I had won a prize at the previous 5 gatherings. Now that is not bad luck!
I found this little thought when I was reading my morning meditation....maybe there is a place for it in today's events....
God's delays are not God's denials. No, God answers every prayer....
If the request isn't right, His answer is no.
If the timing isn't right, His answer is slow.
If you aren't ready yet, His answer is grow.
And when everything's right and ready, His answer is go!
(from Robert H. Schuller--Hour of Power)
If anyone is reading "A New Earth," (Oprah's book club selection) .....I absolutely love the duck story on pages 137-139. We need more flapping out there! Once again....the sacrament of living in the present moment as recommended by Mother Angelica.
Today I will try walking with Judy and the girls. I have been trying to build up endurance again, but I have been slowed by some unexplained esophageal pain. Maybe it is inflamed from the chemo and radiation. Or maybe yeast, or something else....will have the gastro guy take a look sometime next week. It is always fun to be with Judy.
My guy Luke got the boot on Idol, but his joy was obvious--don't know what he has lined up, but he will not be doing the carpet cleaning for a living anymore. I suspect he will get some modeling or acting deal, if not singing. I am sorry Asiah is gone. I thought she was good and a natural on stage. Well, only room for 12. Life goes on.
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