Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's quiet around here...

Mario left for Mexico today. He called from the Houston airport--excited that Frank was joining him very shortly. They flew from there to Guadalajara this evening, and by now I expect they have joined Andy and Edmundo for a late night tour of their birthplace. I am excited for him. I requested he take a notebook and keep a journal of each day's activities so we could write the story for future generations of our family. Of course, he has a camera also! And I am sure he will gain lots of new material for storytelling for his various audiences.

I enjoyed our last evening with Eddie, Connie, and Heidi Monday. We had a great dinner at the restaurant where Cassie works. After that, we all went to Kathy's workplace for a tour, the Youth Service Bureau in Springfield. Very impressive place, good karma when you walk in the door, and nice, genuine people who work with the youth. Kathy knows what she's doing there, and the area is blessed to have this home for kids with various struggles.

Looking forward to tomorrow--will see the Dede kids and the new breakfast bar Tony built in the kitchen. I hope Cora and Hannah will come and spend the night. I really don't like being alone at night! And I will get my bag packed for Phoenix. Chris called tonight after his first two days on the new job. I could hear a lot of energy in his voice. He likes what he is doing and sees a bright future there. Lots of action and he's learning all kinds of new things very quickly.

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