Today I had a great marathon lunch with Justine and Judy. We celebrated Justine's birthday, and we had a great gabfest. This afternoon, I went to the first meeting of our Stewardship committee at church, and I loved the group and the ideas we talked about. There are just 5 of us at this time, and I am certain the group will grow as we begin to plan how to invite more non-participating members of our parish to the table. I believe this is work I am supposed to be doing at this time in my life. It doesn't feel like a job. It feels like a privilege.
I scored yesterday at Bible Study Fellowship breakfast. There was a cart of books by the door with a sign--.25 each. Most were like new. I bought $7 worth, so I have some great reading to do. I feel like I hit a jackpot. :o)
Makenna called on the web-cam last night, and when she saw my face, she had a great big grin. I am so happy to have this web-cam, for it is the next best thing to being with her. We will see the Arizona Camachos again in June, as they have 2 weddings back to back on June 6 (Tyler) and June 13 (Maria's brother Michael). So they will be here in Quincy for a couple of days. YEH!
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