The photos I have posted are in chronological order of how the evening unfolded.
1. 5 of the 6 committee members scrambled to ready the Fireside Room at Hamilton's and then bellied up to the bar for a quick celebratory toast
2. Uncle Ralph and Agnes arrived, and he greeted us with "LET THE FUN BEGIN!"
3. He spoke briefly to the crowd of around 100 about the personalities and talents of Everett and Marge Johnson. He showed us Grandpa's pocket watch and a gold coin brought by Great-Grandfather Evan from Norway. Uncle Bobby was slated to lead us in prayer, but in his absence, Uncle Ralph prayed with us; finally TIME TO CHOW!
4. A photo of Karen and her daughters. Three pretty Johnson girls.
5. A Family Tree Cake brought by Barbie and her sisters
6. The photo and memorabilia table, including Grandma Johnson's diploma from business college. Uncle Ralph described her as "highly intelligent." I've seen those genes passed on in a few people :o) I chose to display the photo of Dad in his work clothes holding a grandchild. A great representation of him. There were photos and books Aunt Margie sent of Norway, and a collage of photos of Mary and Earl with Heidi's children. People browsed at the table all through the evening and learned about their Johnson heritage and relatives who are not here.
7. Time for the power point trivia game, "What do you know about being a Johnson?" There was a bit of resistance early on, but when the game started, all eyes were on the screen. A roomful of Johnsons were ready to play, and Carolyn did an amazing job of compiling all the photos, questions, and answers, into a fun and informative experience. The group was divided so all the generations could be represented at each table if possible. The discussion among team members was most active when a photo of Jamie and Cathy's family was on the screen, and the question was "Name the members of this family from l to r." Actually Jamie and Cathy and their kids were pretty busy all through the trivia game.
8. After collecting and scoring the answer sheets, Carolyn replayed the trivia questions and gave the answers as some of Ralph's family watched from the rear. Ralph's team was determined the winner. Prizes of Johnson and Johnson products were given to the members of the winning team by Trish, who did an exceptional job finding the assortment of items for the prize basket.
9. Uncle Ralph seemed delighted with his prize for his team's first place finish.
10. Team photo of the winning team.
11. Team photo of the reunion committee. We agreed we enjoyed working with each other so much that we are going to get together again sometime before Christmas just for fun.
We are a blessed family.
The whole night was awesome! Thanks for everything.
I wish I could have been there.
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