Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving at Kathy and Rick's was a joy for my family. Our grandkids love Murphy the Dog, as the photos demonstrate. We had much discussion throughout the day about what Camacho family should get a little Murphy-type dog. I would do it if I could get one already potty trained. But I think that is part of the deal when you get a little puppy to grow with you.

The cooks, past and present. Both really know how to make a great and plentiful Thanksgiving meal :o) There were also some carry-in dishes that were a great addition. And not surprisingly, I have some leftovers in my fridge in Quincy. Carrie and gang will be over for lunch after Blake's soccer game today to finish them off.

Guess who Blake looks like in this photo? (I have a picture of Carrie at this age looking exactly like him!)

Hannah is just like Grandma.....loves to eat :o)
What is this??? Mario and Murphy making friends? You don't see a shot like this....ever!
Now on to Theresa and Stan's for cards and refreshments....
An hour or two into the evening at Theresa and Stan's....the big event...I am just being my usual photographer self, and Scott asks me if I can take one more picture. Sure, I say....

Then he takes out this little green box, and I get ready with my camera, only to find the words "battery dead" on the screen. This has never happened to me that I can remember....missing the Kodak moment with a dead battery. Well, Scott proceeded to "engage" Sarah, and we recreated the event after I loaded new batteries into my camera. How many times do you get to witness an engagement? I felt honored that Scott would want me, all of us, there to share in this.

One of the best parts of the story of this day is that Caleb was invited to go with Scott to purchase the ring, and then Caleb kept it a secret all day! Isn't that amazing! Scott and Caleb were the only two who knew.

We surrounded them with a lot of love and congratulations, and a toast to a happy future! Cheers!

Mario played his card tricks with Caleb, Dustin, Paige, Ricky, and Craig. He says nobody figured out his tricks.

Now how trusting must you be to let your sisters give you a haircut and style after an evening of merriment? Well, that's how the Thanksgiving Day ended for me....getting a trim.

Thanks, sistas.
And thanks to God for all my blessings.

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