I enjoyed a trip to Jacksonville Sunday. Mass with family, lunch to celebrate Marty's birthday, and reunion planning. We had a great time, us 6 cousins, putting together the trivia game. Lots of laughs and stories. We have over 100 attending the reunion.
Today I took Nolan and his buddy Carter to McD's for lunch and play with Judy and her granddaughter Katie. They play very well together, and we enjoy the time to catch up. Nolan laughs and smiles almost the whole time. I love watching him having so much fun.
Tonight our 3rd session of "Why Catholic" was terrific. Lots of very meaningful discussion and everybody participated. Very comfortable group to guide. We decided tonight that we will add food to the deal. Had volunteers for next week and the week after. That's a sign that things are going well!
Heard this somewhere along the way, and I think it's very good...
Experience is the hardest teacher because it gives the test first and the lessons later.
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