Saturday, October 25, 2008

Getting Ready for the Cold; Special Persons Day and a visit from Aunt Carolyn

You never know what look is going to be "in" with teenagers. Nolan got in here twice somehow.
I spent a lot of yesterday and today going through my clothes and taking the big ones to our nice thrift shop. That was work! Hopefully I can get a few bucks for a few things and buy some new winter clothes that fit.
Had a nice time today with Hannah at "Special Persons Day" at her school. Mary and Jerry came too. We made a family tree, had cookies and punch, and had lots of time to explore her classroom, including a large iguana in a glass house. Hannah says it belongs to the class.
This evening Bailey is playing volleyball in Quincy, so Carolyn was here for about 3 hours between games. The Dedes came over, and we had pizza, etc. Then Carolyn, Cora, and Hannah played with thousands of little beads and safety pins that used to belong to Paige and Bailey. I gave Nolan a new little tractor, truck, and trailor, and a container of beans. He hauled the beans around for a couple of hours. We think he should have been a farm boy. He loves the tractors, end loaders, bulldozers, and concrete trucks. Cora demonstrated the songs she has taught Nolan. Fun evening.
Tomorrow Carrie and I (and maybe Carolyn if she can fit in the walk between Bailey's games), are walking downtown in the Breast Cancer walk. I probably won't do the distance, maybe half. It is done with great spirit and raises money for low-income women to get mammograms.
The grandkids will stay overnight tomorrow night, as Tony and Carrie hit the town to celebrate their 7th wedding anniversary. I am not quite sure what "hitting the town" means to them at this stage in their lives; I imagine just being without children responsibilites will make it a nice evening :o) Happy Anniversary guys!

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