The weekend weather was perfect here. I didn't make it downtown to the re-enactment of the Quincy Lincoln-Douglas debate or the evening (belated) 4th of July fireworks. (We were flooded on the 4th, so fireworks were rescheduled to coincide with the historical event.) But I do have some pictures of the grandkids from the riverfront.
Friday afternoon Mario and I went to Nolan's 3rd birthday party at Bonkers. What fun! I was a hit with the grandkids and their friends, because I made the rounds with my change purse full of quarters every few minutes to make sure the excellent video games, racecars, etc., were fully funded. The little kids mostly spent their time climbing all the webbed paths to the highest heights. The big kids went back and forth, chasing or playing with the little kids, then playing video games. It was all fun to watch. And it was hard to round them all up for cake and presents. They were just having too much fun. You can see a few of the big ticket items Nolan raked in....the tractor and cart from Mom and Dad and the racetrack and cars from Mario and me among them. The daycare families were very generous with their gifts. Nolan had a great day, and he fell asleep on the way home and had to wait until Saturday morning to play with all his new stuff, which I am told he shared with his sisters.
On Sunday Tony, Carrie, Hannah, and Nolan went flying. Tony is a pilot and has a plane in Pittsfield. So up they went on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. It was Nolan's first trip; Carrie wasn't sure how he'd react. From the photos, looks like he was delighted to be a co-pilot.
Craig has moved back to Alexander, and I have posted a couple of photos of him with his 14-yr. old son, JD Vaniter, who I believe lives with his mother in Waverly. I have not met JD yet, but he and Craig joined several family members for church and lunch at Hardees last weekend.
Lastly, just a couple more photos through which we remember Bailey's day....note the dads serving the specially prepared Homecoming dinner to their children and their dates :o)
Today I will meet my friend Judy and her granddaughter Katie for lunch. I am taking Nolan with me. Tonight we have our second session of "Why Catholic." I saw in our bulletin yesterday that 327 parishoners are taking part in the program. I am not sure how many small groups there are, but I think this is a good number for a new program.
Will have to DVR Dancing With the Stars tonight and watch it later :o) I hope the chef stays. I am ready for Cloris to go. Two weeks of her was enough for me. Did you think her act was entertaining/funny last week?
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