I got soaked going out to Bible study this morning. Not prepared at all for the downpour. But by late afternoon, the rain was gone, and I took my first good walk in several days.
Blake's soccer season ended last night with a win over Chatham Glenwood. Indoor soccer starts in the next few weeks, so there will still be plenty of soccer here. Mario still plays too.
We had another good "Why Catholic" session on Monday evening. Still have one quiet participant; our goal is to encourage her more next week. But some folks just like to listen and take it all in, and that is ok. We have lots of talkers! It has been a good experience.
Tomorrow I have my 8th acupuncture treatment. The national and local news have recently been doing features on the advantages/helpfulness of acupuncture for cancer patients. While I can say that some of my longstanding physical weakness has not been helped by the treatment, I am in a better place overall from it. That probably doesn't give much explanation, but I do want to give acupuncture a positive vote.
Had a wonderful lunch/couple of hours yesterday at a gathering sponsored by our hospital cancer center. It was called "Music as Therapy." There were two ladies presenting, one a dr. of some kind who showed us with demonstrations and videos how she uses music to help impaired people of all ages. The other was a performer who sang beautifully, mostly inspirational and gospel songs. We are fortunate in Quincy to have such a supportive cancer center that provides all these great opportunities for learning. My surgeon gave a presentation on the latest methods and technology involved in treating breast cancer. There is a new kind of power port now that is hooked into the jugular vein. They also use ultrasound during surgery to help guide the dr. There are so many advances in the treatment, so all the $ being raised is helping the medical profession help the patients.
I have posted some photos Connie sent today of Lindsey, who supported the cause in Las Vegas recently. They raised an incredible amount of money there. Thanks for your support Lindsey. And everybody else along the way who has supported this cause that now affects one in eight women. We are blessed :o)
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