Thanks to the Eilerings for hosting a wonderful Christmas Eve celebration. Before going further, I want to acknowledge here and now the care Carolyn gave to Mom through her most recent setback. I know that many sisters stepped in to help as she spent a week in the hospital recovering. But after listening once again to what happens when Mom goes through these episodes, and this one by John and Carolyn's account was the most difficult of all, I am certain that Carolyn once again pulled her through. Of course, I realize that Jesus didn't call Mom's name, but He might have been pretty close this time. So we had our mother with us for another Christmas thanks to the heavens and to Carolyn.
My family attended the 4PM mass in Jacksonville then headed straight to the party. When we arrived, the tables were set, and there were just a few details needing attention....

Santa's Helper Mario (he was given the official hat acknowledging his official position), and Paige and Bailey readied the various head adornments for the children I have collected over the past couple of years.

I regret that I took no photos of the feed, but it was an amazing site. All the furniture was removed from the living room, and it was filled with two long tables beautfully set with Christmas plates, glassware, and napkins. Everyone chose their spots, with the kitchen table seating the Dede kids and some cousins. The feast of turkey and the trimmings, spiral ham, and an assortment of side dishes and desserts was wonderful. Many contributed in lots of ways--a true group effort, but Sam would probably win my prize for mashing all those potatoes. I think I heard we consumed 17 pounds of potatoes! O, and I must not forget Carolyn's friend Diane who worked so hard setting all those tables so they would look just right :o) (She would double later as Mrs. You Know Who!)

Mom was delighted with this gift. She had seen it a few days back and remarked that it was the prettiest thing she'd ever seen, or something like that. So a couple a families got it for her.

A handsome couple!

And another!

Merry Christmas! Dustin and I always exchange little gifts. I like my chocolates; hope he likes his gift :o)

Carolyn discovered Nolan eating alone at the kitchen table, jamming to the Christmas music playing in the background.

Everyone else was finished. Not Nolan. He was still shoveling it in.

Grandma and Makenna share a moment. The pink dress was a birthday present from Grandma and Grandpa. (1 year old on Dec. 5)

Cora plays a flute concert for Carter. Maybe next year I will bring all the musical instruments. We have tamborines, harmonicas, triangles, cymbals. horns, maracas, wood blocks, bells, clappers, and a couple of percussion items for which I have no names. Tony could bring his trumpet and work up another sweat! Now we could really entertain Santa and Mrs. Claus with a little practice.

I did bring my guitar, and when Santa and Mrs. Claus surprised all the kids, I asked them to put their festive headgear on and sing for them. They did an excellent job on Rudolph, Jingle Bells, and Santa Claus is Coming to Town. With no practice. Well when you got it, you got it.

We had begun playing a game Carolyn designed, a take-off on the TV show about being smarter than a 5th grader. Our game was called "Are You Smarter Than Your Grandchildren?" Each of the grandkids made up a couple of questions. Nolan is still holding his answers--I think one was what Buzz Lightyear says--if you didn't know the answer, you could still get a point by letting your grandchild tell you the answer. The kids loved it. Well, Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived just after we got started, so the game was suspended for a bit so Santa could tend to business.

Nolan stood in amazement for quite some time right by Santa. Who knows what a 3 yr. old is thinking, but I have a pretty good idea....."I've been a little shit and I hope Santa doesn't know it." Or something like that. Well, he did tell Carrie later that he was waiting for Santa to call his name because he had something to tell him. Well next year maybe we can make time for that.

Grandma Dotty got called to Santa's lap first for her gift. (She secretly told Santa it had been 11 years since she'd sat on a man's lap, and Santa kindly told her she could sit there as long as she wanted :o) Good guy, that Santa. And Mrs. Claus was in total agreement.)

These two families are good friends, so a photo op was given.

One by one, all the grandchildren and great-grandchildren were called to Santa's lap to receive their gifts.

Paige and Bailey.


Craig's son JD; he told Grandma he likes to be called Joe.

Joe's bro.

Caleb. He's been good. Hat says so.

Makenna, who did not cry but gave Santa a pretty good looking over.

Nolan, probably thinking "Whew."

Sweet Hannah and Cora.

Baby Blake, no longer a baby, as he is now driving.

Cousins. Wish we could keep her.

I know that Marty has photos of her grandchildren on Santa's lap, and Mary Beth's blog is sure to post them. There was delight in each and every one as they opened their gifts. We sent Santa and Mrs. Claus on their way as we sang Silent Night. The room calmed considerably so we could resume our game. And I was amused when Megan approached me and asked so excitedly about her reindeer antlers, "Do we get to keep these on?" Yes, they are yours to take home Megan. Happy great niece.

Lots of teams knew lots of answers; lots of times needed some help too. In the end, Marty and Randy were determined the winners--and got the real game. And I believe it was Stan who made their official sign: "I am not smarter than my grandchildren."

Maria told me that she has the identical Christmas bear in white that her grandmother gave her when she was a baby, and that Makenna loves it. So now Makenna has her own Christmas bear from Santa.

I'm a 4-point buck. Doesn't that make me worth something?

The O'Fallon-bound Camachos and Quincy-bound Dedes move on to the next family gatherings. See you later.

Godmother and godchild. I love this picture.

An art portfolio gift and a little something else.
(Hannah is wearing two heart necklaces. She started the evening with the smaller one. Then Santa brought her a big heart necklace. She quietly shared with me that when she opened it, she asked Cora, "How does Santa know that I love hearts?" Good big sister Cora didn't answer. I said to Hannah that it is indeed amazing what Santa knows about us.)

Kathy brought cute little purses for all the gals. Somehow....I ended up with two. O now I remember, I stole Theresa's from her! But that was after she did offer to give it to me.
Thanks sistas. I love purses. Who doesn't know that.

I forgot to put my reindeer sweater on earlier in the evening when we sang Rudolph. It lights up and the reindeer look like they are dancing. O well. I hung out for awhile in the kitchen with it after my grandkids left, so it will be something new for them next year.

Rick takes charge of dishwashing.
Everyone mans a post....well except me...

I declare myself the official photographer for the evening, and I feel that gets me off the hook.

This trio gets a lot done and fast!

Then there is the tear-down crew.
I believe I heard some singing from the big guy.....

Something like "Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work we go..." Now were they elves or dwarfs? Well, we must get another Santa Helper hat for next year.

Jesus still in the manger after a long evening of merriment.

Tree still standing with its new Brighton ornament....

Santa's off doing his work....

We are blessed. Love to Everyone.