Tuesday, December 9, 2008

In the News

Well it has finally happened....I don't know a lot about state politics, but I do know that you can't find anybody who supports this governor. How the hec did he get elected anyway?

Something fun to look forward to for us....Blake made the high school diving team. Didn't know he could dive! Apparently he can. So we will look forward to some diving meets this winter. That will be something different.

Today is full. I made tortellini early this morning, then took lunch to my friend Jan. Went to the library with Carrie's daycare to watch a puppet show about Rudolph. Then to the thrift store to collect some $, then shopping there for some new stuff that fits. I swear there are things that have never been worn there for just a few dollars. I am continuing to have fun with this. Then to Aldi's for groceries, a short walk at the mall, and now glued to CNN to watch the sad news of the sad state of Illinois political affairs. Is it really possible that our pres.-elect avoided all connections with the governor over the years? That is amazing in itself.

Carrie and gang coming for pizza tonight. Gotta rest.

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