When he was a little guy, his nickname was "Baby Blake." Now, with white slip in hand and Mom close by, the big guy is driving. He has to log 50 hours with an adult before getting his license. Not to worry. He won't be 16 until June 1.

I reminded him of one of Grandpa Harold's best pieces of driving advice: Never go backward when you can go forward.

He is driving a 2004 Oldsmobile Olero. Many months of searching went in to finding just the right vehicle for just the right price.

The spoiler on the back makes it sporty looking. (It has 4 doors because Blake will undoubtedly be carting around sisters and/or brother when he gets his license. In fact, there was already a booster seat in the back when I took a ride with Blake tonight.)

Grandma has a heavy foot. Mom has a heavy foot. Blake better not have a heavy foot!

Grandpa Mario wore a bright orange helmet the first time he took Carrie driving. Tonight, he just climbed in with Blake....

and away they went. For a brand new driver, Blake was very capable. He and Carrie have already been to WalMart. :o)
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